To-Do List Hack
Hey. Neville Here.
I've always been a big to-do list nerd, and here's the way I've been making to-do lists for the last four years.
This might work for you.
It might NOT work for you.
Either way, give it a try and see if it improves your productivity.
Hey everyone!
I want to share a quick to-do list hack. Now, this not really a hack more than it’s just how I do my to-do list. I’ve been a freak about this for years. And here is the to-do list that I’ve been using for 2-3 years now - something along those lines. I actually keep all of them if you want to see.’s what it is.
It’s essentially just a legal pad and a pen. I mean nothing special. At the top I write the date and over here (directly below) I write all the stuff I got to do for the day.
Nothing really that unusual yet.
On the side, I don’t know when this started, but I started putting my appointments and stuff on this right-hand side (approximate the quarter right-side of the page). So at 8:30 I have to go to Brad’s party at Gurerro’s. That’s all. That’s my task for today.
Then over here (below the appointments box on the right hand side) - I started working at 10am. So, 10 am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm... that’s where I write down what I’ve done for the day. So I’ve tracked what I’ve done. If I have all these filled up at the end of the day, then I got a good eight or ten hours of work done. So, that’s good. If I only have a couple of these boxes filled up, it means the day was not that productive.
Anyhow, another cool trick I use is...and this really helped me whenever I’m procrastinating. Is that sometimes you look at all the things on your to-do list and you’re like, “oh my god which one do I start first? blah blah blah…” Hang on. Here’s how you solve it:
A piece of paper, with a piece of tape on it.
I’ve been using this trick for years. And I still use it when I’m feeling a little lackadaisical. Boom. Stick that over this whole thing (stick it over all your to-dos on your to-do list). Wow I did a horrible job at that. Ok. I was trying to be cool. Sorry.
So. I have this thing over my to-do list now. This is how I’ll wake up to my to-do list in the morning. And what i’ll do is lift this up (the piece of paper with tape on) and scooch it down to the first thing (the first task on the to-do list). I have to write this “Quitting Your Job” post that I have in a Word doc and post it on my blog. So, at some point today, I’m just going to start doing that. And that’s the only thing I'll do until I’m done with it. So until I get this done and then scratch it out, then I - “BOOP” - move this down one. Then I have to do the next thing on that list.
So then throughout the day I keep going down down down. And by the end I’m done.
Now to prove that this is actually the way I use my to-do list, check out this binder I have. It’s pretty thick and filled with a lot of pages. And let’s open. Well the first page was: ya know, the other to-do list from the other day, another to-do list from another day, and another to-do list, and another, and another, and another..oh and here’s my monthly goals from 2011 November. I put my calendars in here, whenever I’m done with them. As you can see right there - all scratched out.
From 2011 March 23rd, here’s my to-do list. I can tell that I got about 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 about 8 hours of work done. And I write a little summary at the bottom. As you can see, I’ve been using this for a long time. And this has been a fantastic method for me to get stuff done with. I’ve tried computer stuff, I’ve tried all sorts of electronic things. But so far, the good old pen and paper for my daily to-do list is the number one thing. And my favorite part, is when you get done with it, you get to.. “CHICKA CHICKA CHICKA CHICKA” ...scratch something out. That’s the best feeling in the world.
Hope you learned something from this. Hope it makes you a little more productive.